Audio Samples quoted throughout my phd...


802 105 or 800 205? and 4 ways to utter "tiens"

Several words of a click language

Samples of the 4 tones of mandarin chinese

Initial syllable bearing a Danish stod

Peter Ladefogged gently provides a speaking International Phonetic Alphabet that will appear in his next book:

PERCEPTUAL EXPERIMENT: sinusoidal stimuli

2 types of stimuli: pure sinus wave and global energy modulated sinus waves

PERCEPTUAL EXPERIMENT: stimuli of the Prosodic Karaoke

4 types of stimuli : F0+D condition; D condition; Fm condition and Fl condition

For a comparaison, non delexicalized speech (Mbrola synthesizer) and original speech signal (Yvan Levai)

Para-linguistic phenomenoms

Smiling while speaking (levai) (contrast on "alors qu'aux états-unis")

Laryngalisation1 (levai) and Laryngalisation2 (levai)

socio-style1 (levai) and socio-style2 (levai)

Limits of diphone concatenation techniques

accent (mbrola) vs accent (levai)

accent (mbrola) vs accent (levai)